Sunday, August 22, 2010


I can tell I'm out of practice when I have to rip out my work six times before I'm able to figure out what's wrong with it.  Finally, on Wednesday's lunch, I was sitting in our break room just staring at the directions when I had my epiphany.  I wasn't counting the last single crochet on one row as the first single crochet when I started the next row.  (Sounds strange, but hopefully it's understandable.) Once I figured it out, I couldn't understand how I managed to miss it so many times.  I haven't measured it yet, but I guess I'm about a quarter of the way done. 

I did take pictures of my friend Melissa's shower gifts.  I just haven't had the time to post them yet.  They're on my laptop, which I don't have with me at the moment.  I'll do another post with them early next week.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hundred Yen Pouch

I haven't really been crocheting much lately.  I've been catching up on my reading instead.  I have so many books piling up!  I'm finishing up physical therapy for my arm, but my hand is still a little tingly, so I'm still crocheting kind of slowly.

I know I posted about the Hundred Yen Pouch awhile back, but I put it in my car before I could take a picture of it.  I brought it in the house today to empty it, so I thought I'd take a few pictures tonight.  It doesn't look quite the same as Melissa's, but it might because of the yarn I'm using.  (It's just some yarn I had left over from a scarf I made myself last winter.)
I'm going to try crocheting a little bit this weekend.  I have to finish up the last row of my Slanted Stitch baby blanket that I worked on my friend Melissa's baby.  About half of the last row came out while I had it stored away, so I just have to stitch that back up.  I'll take some pictures of Melissa's baby things before I wrap them up next week.